Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Trees of the Dancing Goats

As Hanukkah draws to a close, I'd like to share with you a heartwarming tale of friendship called The Trees of the Dancing Goats by Patricia Polacco.  When I first picked up this book, I wondered what-in-the-world dancing goats meant.  Not only does Polacco captivate her audience with her rich storytelling, she captivates readers with her title!

Just as Hanukkah marks a time of celebrating miracles, Polacco draws from her memory when her own family created a miracle for their neighbors.  Read how Trisha and Richard, Babushka, Grandpa, and Momma excitedly and sacrificially bless their neighbors in time of sickness, bringing together two faith celebrations: Hanukkah and Christmas.  And discover the secret behind the trees of the dancing goats!


  1. Emily,
    Thank you so much for your sweet comments but more than that, thanks for sharing your blog. This will be so helpful in choosing books as I love a little help in choosing. Have saved your blog in my "special stories" section.

  2. I have always loved this story!!
