Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Giant Jam Sandwich

Do you remember this story from your childhood as much as my husband and I do?  It's The Giant Jam Sandwich (c. 1972) with story and pictures by John Vernon Lord and verses by Janet Burroway.  Oh, it's a classic!  Discover (or rediscover) this tall tale:
                           One hot summer in Itching Down,
                           Four million wasps flew into town. 

I would tell your more about this wonderful story, but it's one of those that you truly have to see and read for yourself.  So whether you're trying to rid yourself of pests or you're just trying to bring some humor into your life, this book proves itself time and again as a phenomenal read-loud for young and old alike.

1 comment:

  1. This book was a total delight reading to the kids over the years. How is it that we have had identical bookshelves for our kids? I love that XOL
