Lilac Fairy
The Song of the Lilac Fairy
by Cicely Mary Barker
White May is flowering,
Red May beside;
Laburnum is showering
Gold far and wide;
But I sing of Lilac,
The dearly-loved Lilac,
Lilac, in Maytime
A joy and a pride!
I love her so much
That I never can tell
If she's sweeter to look at,
Or sweeter to smell.
Cicely Mary Barker's
The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies
Your postings for Flowers Fairies prompted me to check my fabric stash. Just as I thought, I have a few fabric panels (4" X 6") Apple Blossom, Orchis, Columbine and Red Clover of the Flower Fairies. Now to dream up a project. Thanks for prompting me to look!